Changing network setting by a batch file in Windows

Wednesday, 20 June 2007, 1:21 | Category : Technology
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You may change network setting (IP, DNS etc) using batch file in Windows XP. Lets say, you want a config shown below: To do so, create a file names as changeIP.bat and write following lines into that: netsh int ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” source=static addr= mask= netsh int ip set address name=”Local Area […]

Sending huge data to client browser

Wednesday, 20 June 2007, 0:56 | Category : Internet, J2EE, Java, Technology
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If you want to pass huge data to the client from your servlet, user may need to wait till the ServletOutputStream or JSPWriter flushes the data. This happens generally whenever you have a number of items page and you want to pass it to the client. The better approach is to flush the data partly […]